Description SPORTS BY ZOOVI - Sideline Stories: Pedro Almodóvar: Spain’s Master Filmmaker and Fabulist Writer

Pedro Almodóvar: Spain’s Master Filmmaker and Fabulist Writer

In “The Last Dream,” the Spanish director offers insights into his complicated relationship with creativity and mortality.

Pedro Almodóvar: Spain’s Greatest Living Filmmaker and Hidden Fabulist

Pedro Almodóvar is often hailed as Spain’s most significant living filmmaker, but beyond his directorial brilliance, he sees himself first as a storyteller, or “fabulist,” as he puts it. With more than 20 feature films to his name, Almodóvar’s career is a testament to his unpredictable, complex narratives.

A Storyteller at Heart: Almodóvar’s Iconic Films

Almodóvar’s films are known for their extravagant, often unpredictable plots. His Talk to Her follows the bond between two men caring for two comatose women, while The Skin I Live In tells the dark tale of a plastic surgeon who surgically transforms a man into a woman against his will. His work often challenges boundaries and expectations, captivating audiences with its bold storytelling.

Writing Before Directing: Almodóvar’s Lesser-Known Passion

While Almodóvar has spent countless hours behind the camera, his true passion has always been writing. Of the 20-plus films he directed, he wrote or co-wrote nearly all of them. In fact, he may have spent more time at his writing desk than on a film set, crafting the stories that would go on to inspire his iconic films.

The Hidden Writings: Short Stories, Diaries, and More

Throughout his career, Almodóvar had also been quietly writing short stories, diary entries, and unclassifiable essays — pieces of himself that remained hidden from public view. These writings were stored in several blue folders, kept safe by his assistant, Lola García, during his many moves across Madrid.

In 2022, at the urging of Spanish literary editor Jaume Bonfill, Almodóvar finally revisited these forgotten works, opening a new chapter in his storytelling journey. What he found was a rich archive of material that captured his creative process over the years.